Concurrent API Access

When Concurrency Matters

If the resources being exposed by the classes of the API can be queried and changed ‘quickly’, then in most cases the urest library will sequence calls without issue. Here ‘quickly’ means within the timeout excepted by both the server an the client, which means a maximum of 30 second using the default values.

Note, though, the some clients will timeout well-before this default: or may respond by sending multiple requests, as they will assume some network failure. Again, in most cases, this will not matter as the client will be expecting the API to be idempotent: multiple class will achieve the same effect as a single call.

In some cases, though, clients will need to be aware that multiple classes can be made to classes whilst the internal state is still changing. Additionally, in some cases we also need to break the normal HTTP assumption that calls to the API are idempotent: this is especially likely for API calls that set, update or delete the internal state.

In all these cases we need to be aware of the potential for concurrent access, and design the API accordingly. Micropython has a number of primitives within the uasyncio library to handle concurrent access, and this Background document will not cover them all. Nor we will deal with the theory of concurrent design: the following focuses on explaining the core issues, alongside possible resolutions.

An Example of a API Class Allowing Concurrency

For this Background we will focus on the design of the PWMLED class, and look in detail at the design of two internal helper methods _slow_on() and _slow_off(). Like the SimpleLED class PWMLED class assumes control of a single GPIO pin. However, unlike SimpleLED, the PWMLED class uses PWM to raise the apparent average voltage of the GPIO pin from a minimum (or a maximum) to a maximum (or minimum) over a period of time. Connecting an LED to the GPIO output controlled by PWMLED should then result in the LED appearing to slowly brighten (or dim).

The PWMLED class relies on two internal methods to achieve the necessar control. The first, _slow_on(), ‘raises’ the output from the minimum to the maximum by altering the PWN duty cycle.

async def _slow_on(self):
    self._duty = 0

    while self._duty < (65000):
        print(f"duty on: {self._duty}")

        self._duty += PWM_STEP

        await asyncio.sleep_ms(1000)

        self._state_attributes["current"] = 1

    self._gpio.duty_u16(2 ** 16)

Whilst the converse method, _slow_off, ‘lowers’ the apparent output by again altering the PWN duty cycle. This time from a maximum value to a minimum.

async def _slow_off(self):
    self._duty = 2 ** 16

    while self._duty > 6000:
        print(f"duty off: {self._duty}")

        self._duty -= PWM_STEP

        await asyncio.sleep_ms(1000)

        self._state_attributes["current"] = 0

    self._duty = 0

The expectation is therefore that when a client connect to the API point, e.g. /green_led0, setting the ‘desired’ value of the noun to 1 will result in the output gradually moving from a minimum to a maximum value.

Already connected!
SERVER: Started on
CLIENT URI : [] PUT /green_led0 HTTP/1.1
CLIENT HEAD: [] {'host': '', 'accept': '*/*', 'content-type': 'application/json', 'user-agent': 'curl/7.81.0', 'content-length': '13'}
CLIENT BODY: [] {'desired': 1}
duty on: 0
duty on: 6550
duty on: 13100
duty on: 19650
duty on: 26200
duty on: 32750
duty on: 39300
duty on: 45850
duty on: 52400
duty on: 58950

Likewise a call to ‘/green_led0’ with the ‘desired’ value as 0 should result in the output gradually moving from the maximum to the minimum value.

CLIENT URI : [] PUT /green_led0 HTTP/1.1
CLIENT HEAD: [] {'host': '', 'accept': '*/*', 'content-type': 'application/json', 'user-agent': 'curl/7.81.0', 'content-length': '13'}
CLIENT BODY: [] {'desired': 0}
duty off: 65536
duty off: 58986
duty off: 52436
duty off: 45886
duty off: 39336
duty off: 32786
duty off: 26236
duty off: 19686
duty off: 13136
duty off: 6586

Sequential Assumptions

Note that whilst the implication above is the that same client is making both calls, this is not explicitly defined by the PWMLED class. In designing the API classes there is a natural tendency to think about the API calls as occurring one after another from the same client. But this behaviour is not guaranteed by the network. And indeed for performance and other reasons we should assume exactly the reverse: any method can be called by any client at any time. If this is a problem, then the API class (or classes) need to untangle the requests appropriately.

Nonetheless, in some cases the code of the methods above will appear to work. For instance if we draw this interaction more clearly as a sequence diagram for the two clients we might get Figure 1.

Example of Sequential API Access

Figure 1: Example of ‘Sequential’ API Access

Again, this behaviour is not guaranteed by the API. But it will appear to work as ‘Client A’ makes the API call successfully; shortly followed by `Client B’ starting its call sequence. But what happen if ‘Client B’ makes its call before the LED has fully turned on?

In that case the API itself will work. But there will be clash at the controlled resource as shown in the sequence diagram in Figure 2.

Example of Concurrent API Access

Figure 2: Resource Contention in the ‘Sequential’ API Access

If the API does not block the call of the second client, then both calls will ‘succeed’. This will result in the controlled LED rapidly changing states as _slow_on() and _slow_off() fight over the same resource. Logging the outcome might look like the following.

duty off: 65536
duty on: 58986
duty off: 65536
duty on: 58986
duty off: 65536
duty on: 58986
duty off: 65536
duty on: 58986
duty off: 65536
duty on: 58986
duty off: 65536
duty on: 58986

Approaches to Concurrent Access

Solving this issue can be done in one of two ways

  1. We could block the API call by ‘Client B’ until ‘Client A’ has finished. The HTTP protocol also has code for ‘temporary conditions’ in the 300 sequence; so we could issue a notification to ‘Client B’ to try again later.
  2. We could deferr the API call, allowing ‘Client B’ to ‘succeed’: but not actually changing anything until the call started by ‘Client A’ completes.

Both approaches have some downsides. By blocking the API we call put an additional burden on the client. Now the client has to have some ability to ‘remember’ its own request, along with logic to either retry the request or handle the requests failure. Arguably the client should already have this logic anyway: but many clients in scripts or other simple use cases may just issue a single curl request and move on.

Deferring the API call, though, is in some ways a little less honest. We are accepting the API call, and even issuing a ‘success’ code back to the client: but we have no way of knowing whether the call will actually succeed. So we can make the error handling logic of the API (and the client) by choosing to defer the request.

For the PWMLED class, we will decide that ‘failure’ isn’t really an issue, so will choose to defer the request. The next problem is how we do that.

Using Locks for Concurrency

If we look at the code of the set_state() method of PWMLED being called by ‘Client A’ and ‘Client B’ we see the following.

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

self._state_attributes["desired"] = state_attributes["desired"]

if self._state_attributes["desired"] == 0:
    self._state_attributes["current"] = 1

    self._state_attributes["current"] = 0


We can see here that the _slow_on() and _slow_off() methods are actually being called by a co-routine within the main uasyncio event loop. So a natural way to stop the calls to _slow_on() and _slow_off() is to look at how the event loop might sequence the calls for us.

By default the event loop will just run the calls together, allowing both _slow_on and _slow_off to control the same resource. What we actually want, though, is to for the event loop to wait until either _slow_on or _slow_off has completed: and only then schedule the co-routine.

The easiest way to sequence two uasyncio calls in this way is to the use the Lock class. Only one co-routine can ‘acquire’ the lock at any one time: and only the co-routine that has acquired the (same) lock will run. This is exactly the behaviour we need.

So we can alter the _slow_on() method as follows. When we enter the method we first attempt to acquire the lock. This will either succeed, allowing the method call to continue: or it will stop the execution of the co-routine until the lock has been released. The rest of the method can now proceed as before.

However we must release the lock before we finish. Otherwise all subsequent calls using the same lock will block: including the next time _slow_on() is called. Failing to release locks can therefore lead to some interesting bugs…

async def _slow_on(self):

    # Wait for the GPIO lock if we need to
    await self._gpio_lock.acquire()

    # Increase the duty cycle from 0 to near the
    # maximum in steps lasting 1s. We will also
    # allow other co-routines to run whilst we
    # are waiting for the next step to take place
    self._duty = 0

    while self._duty < (65000):
        print(f"duty on: {self._duty}")

        self._duty += PWM_STEP

        await asyncio.sleep_ms(1000)

        self._state_attributes["current"] = 1

    # Set the duty cycle to maximum before we leave,
    # and release the GPIO lock
    self._duty = 2 ** 16


Modifying the _slow_off() method in the same way should complete the modifications to both methods.

async def _slow_off(self):

    # Wait for the GPIO lock if we need to
    await self._gpio_lock.acquire()

    # Decrease the duty cycle from the maximum to
    # near 0 in steps lasting 1s. We will also
    # allow other co-routines to run whilst we
    # are waiting for the next step to take place
    self._duty = 2 ** 16

    while self._duty > 6000:
        print(f"duty off: {self._duty}")

        self._duty -= PWM_STEP

        await asyncio.sleep_ms(1000)

        self._state_attributes["current"] = 0

    # Set the duty cycle to 0 before we leave,
    # and release the GPIO lock
    self._duty = 0


The last thing we need to do is to create the lock itself. We must make sure that every instance of the class uses the same lock. If _slow_on() and _slow_off() use different locks, then again things will appear to work: but only for calls to the same method. The natural place for per instance entities is in the constructor, so we also need to modify the __init__ method to create our lock

self._gpio_lock = asyncio.Lock()

The full class code is available for PWMLED, but that should complete the modifications we need. Now both ‘Client A’ and ‘Client B’ can call the API; both will see their calls ‘succeed’ immediately — but the actual change will be sequenced. Moreover, the sequence will be determined by the (unknown) order of requests made by the clients, but in a ‘first in, first out’ order. If we need to sequence the clients themselves, that is a different problem: but we can use the API to provide ‘client locks’ or something similar.